Source code for pygod.utils.utility

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A set of utility functions to support outlier detection.
# Author: Yue Zhao <>
# License: BSD 2 clause

import os
import torch
import shutil
import numbers
import requests
import warnings
import numpy as np
from importlib import import_module

from ..metric import *

MAX_INT = np.iinfo(np.int32).max
MIN_INT = np.iinfo(np.int32).min

def validate_device(gpu_id):
    """Validate the input GPU ID is valid on the given environment.
    If no GPU is presented, return 'cpu'.

    gpu_id : int
        GPU ID to check.

    device : str
        Valid device, e.g., 'cuda:0' or 'cpu'.

    # cast to int for checking
    gpu_id = int(gpu_id)

    # if it is cpu
    if gpu_id == -1:
        return 'cpu'

    # if gpu is available
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        # check if gpu id is between 0 and the total number of GPUs
        check_parameter(gpu_id, 0, torch.cuda.device_count(),
                        param_name='gpu id', include_left=True,
        device = 'cuda:{}'.format(gpu_id)
        if gpu_id != 'cpu':
            warnings.warn('The cuda is not available. Set to cpu.')
        device = 'cpu'

    return device

def check_parameter(param, low=MIN_INT, high=MAX_INT, param_name='',
                    include_left=False, include_right=False):
    """Check if an input is within the defined range.
    param : int, float
        The input parameter to check.
    low : int, float
        The lower bound of the range.
    high : int, float
        The higher bound of the range.
    param_name : str, optional (default='')
        The name of the parameter.
    include_left : bool, optional (default=False)
        Whether includes the lower bound (lower bound <=).
    include_right : bool, optional (default=False)
        Whether includes the higher bound (<= higher bound).
    within_range : bool or raise errors
        Whether the parameter is within the range of (low, high)

    # param, low and high should all be numerical
    if not isinstance(param, (numbers.Integral, int, float)):
        raise TypeError('{param_name} is set to {param} Not numerical'.format(
            param=param, param_name=param_name))

    if not isinstance(low, (numbers.Integral, int, float)):
        raise TypeError('low is set to {low}. Not numerical'.format(low=low))

    if not isinstance(high, (numbers.Integral, int, float)):
        raise TypeError('high is set to {high}. Not numerical'.format(

    # at least one of the bounds should be specified
    if low is MIN_INT and high is MAX_INT:
        raise ValueError('Neither low nor high bounds is undefined')

    # if wrong bound values are used
    if low > high:
        raise ValueError(
            'Lower bound > Higher bound')

    # value check under different bound conditions
    if (include_left and include_right) and (param < low or param > high):
        raise ValueError(
            '{param_name} is set to {param}. '
            'Not in the range of [{low}, {high}].'.format(
                param=param, low=low, high=high, param_name=param_name))

    elif (include_left and not include_right) and (
            param < low or param >= high):
        raise ValueError(
            '{param_name} is set to {param}. '
            'Not in the range of [{low}, {high}).'.format(
                param=param, low=low, high=high, param_name=param_name))

    elif (not include_left and include_right) and (
            param <= low or param > high):
        raise ValueError(
            '{param_name} is set to {param}. '
            'Not in the range of ({low}, {high}].'.format(
                param=param, low=low, high=high, param_name=param_name))

    elif (not include_left and not include_right) and (
            param <= low or param >= high):
        raise ValueError(
            '{param_name} is set to {param}. '
            'Not in the range of ({low}, {high}).'.format(
                param=param, low=low, high=high, param_name=param_name))
        return True

[docs]def load_data(name, cache_dir=None): """ Data loading function. See `data repository <>`_ for supported datasets. For injected/generated datasets, the labels meanings are as follows. - 0: inlier - 1: contextual outlier only - 2: structural outlier only - 3: both contextual outlier and structural outlier Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the dataset. cache_dir : str, optional The directory for dataset caching. Default: ``None``. Returns ------- data : The outlier dataset. Examples -------- >>> from pygod.utils import load_data >>> data = load_data(name='weibo') # in PyG format >>> y = data.y.bool() # binary labels (inlier/outlier) >>> yc = data.y >> 0 & 1 # contextual outliers >>> ys = data.y >> 1 & 1 # structural outliers """ if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pygod/data') file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, name+'.pt') zip_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, name+'') if os.path.exists(file_path): data = torch.load(file_path) else: url = "" + name + "" if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.makedirs(cache_dir) r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError("Failed downloading url %s" % url) with open(zip_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) shutil.unpack_archive(zip_path, cache_dir) data = torch.load(file_path) return data
def logger(epoch=0, loss=0, score=None, target=None, time=None, verbose=0, train=True, deep=True): """ Logger for detector. Parameters ---------- epoch : int, optional The current epoch. loss : float, optional The current epoch loss value. score : torch.Tensor, optional The current outlier scores. target : torch.Tensor, optional The ground truth labels. time : float, optional The current epoch time. verbose : int, optional Verbosity mode. Range in [0, 3]. Larger value for printing out more log information. Default: ``0``. train : bool, optional Whether the logger is used for training. deep : bool, optional Whether the logger is used for deep detector. """ if verbose > 0: if deep: if train: print("Epoch {:04d}: ".format(epoch), end='') else: print("Test: ", end='') if isinstance(loss, tuple): print("Loss I {:.4f} | Loss O {:.4f} | " .format(loss[0], loss[1]), end='') else: print("Loss {:.4f} | ".format(loss), end='') if verbose > 1: if target is not None: auc = eval_roc_auc(target, score) print("AUC {:.4f}".format(auc), end='') if verbose > 2: if target is not None: pos_size = target.nonzero().size(0) rec = eval_recall_at_k(target, score, pos_size) pre = eval_precision_at_k(target, score, pos_size) ap = eval_average_precision(target, score) contamination = sum(target) / len(target) threshold = np.percentile(score, 100 * (1 - contamination)) pred = (score > threshold).long() f1 = eval_f1(target, pred) print(" | Recall {:.4f} | Precision {:.4f} " "| AP {:.4f} | F1 {:.4f}" .format(rec, pre, ap, f1), end='') if time is not None: print(" | Time {:.2f}".format(time), end='') print() def init_detector(name, **kwargs): """ Detector initialization function. """ module = import_module('pygod.detector') assert name in module.__all__, "Detector {} not found".format(name) return getattr(module, name)(**kwargs) def init_nn(name, **kwargs): """ Neural network initialization function. """ module = import_module('pygod.nn') assert name in module.__all__, "Neural network {} not found".format(name) return getattr(module, name)(**kwargs) def pprint(params, offset=0, printer=repr): """Pretty print the dictionary 'params' Parameters ---------- params : dict The dictionary to pretty print offset : int, optional The offset at the beginning of each line. printer : callable, optional The function to convert entries to strings, typically the builtin str or repr. """ params_list = list() this_line_length = offset line_sep = ',\n' + (1 + offset) * ' ' for i, (k, v) in enumerate(sorted(params.items())): if type(v) is float: # use str for representing floating point numbers # this way we get consistent representation across # architectures and versions. this_repr = '%s=%s' % (k, str(v)) else: # use repr of the rest this_repr = '%s=%s' % (k, printer(v)) if len(this_repr) > 500: this_repr = this_repr[:300] + '...' + this_repr[-100:] if i > 0: if this_line_length + len(this_repr) >= 75 or '\n' in this_repr: params_list.append(line_sep) this_line_length = len(line_sep) else: params_list.append(', ') this_line_length += 2 params_list.append(this_repr) this_line_length += len(this_repr) lines = ''.join(params_list) # Strip trailing space to avoid nightmare in doctests lines = '\n'.join(l.rstrip(' ') for l in lines.split('\n')) return lines def is_fitted(detector, attributes=None): """ Check if the detector is fitted. Parameters ---------- detector : pygod.detector.Detector The detector to check. attributes : list, optional The attributes to check. Default: ``None``. Returns ------- is_fitted : bool Whether the detector is fitted. """ if attributes is None: attributes = ['model'] assert all(hasattr(detector, attr) and eval('detector.%s' % attr) is not None for attr in attributes), \ "The detector is not fitted yet"