Source code for pygod.models.conad

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contrastive Attributed Network Anomaly Detection
with Data Augmentation (CONAD)"""
# Author: Zhiming Xu <>
# License: BSD 2 clause

import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
from copy import deepcopy
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.loader import NeighborLoader
from torch_geometric.utils import to_dense_adj, dense_to_sparse
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from . import BaseDetector
from .basic_nn import GCN
from ..utils.metric import eval_roc_auc
from ..utils.utility import validate_device

[docs]class CONAD(BaseDetector): """ CONAD (Contrastive Attributed Network Anomaly Detection) CONAD is an anomaly detector consisting of a shared graph convolutional encoder, a structure reconstruction decoder, and an attribute reconstruction decoder. The model is trained with both contrastive loss and structure/attribute reconstruction loss. The reconstruction mean square error of the decoders are defined as structure anomaly score and attribute anomaly score, respectively. See :cite:`xu2022contrastive` for details. Parameters ---------- hid_dim : int, optional Hidden dimension of model. Default: ``0``. num_layers : int, optional Total number of layers in model. A half (ceil) of the layers are for the encoder, the other half (floor) of the layers are for decoders. Default: ``4``. dropout : float, optional Dropout rate. Default: ``0.``. weight_decay : float, optional Weight decay (L2 penalty). Default: ``0.``. act : callable activation function or None, optional Activation function if not None. Default: ``torch.nn.functional.relu``. alpha : float, optional Loss balance weight for attribute and structure. Default: ``0.5``. eta : float, optional Loss balance weight for contrastive and reconstruction. Default: ``0.5``. contamination : float, optional Valid in (0., 0.5). The proportion of outliers in the data set. Used when fitting to define the threshold on the decision function. Default: ``0.1``. lr : float, optional Learning rate. Default: ``0.004``. epoch : int, optional Maximum number of training epoch. Default: ``5``. gpu : int GPU Index, -1 for using CPU. Default: ``0``. batch_size : int, optional Minibatch size, 0 for full batch training. Default: ``0``. num_neigh : int, optional Number of neighbors in sampling, -1 for all neighbors. Default: ``-1``. r : float, optional The rate of augmented anomalies. Default: ``.2``. m : int, optional For densely connected nodes, the number of edges to add. Default: ``50``. k : int, optional same as ``k`` in ``utils.outlier_generator.gen_attribute_outliers``. Default: ``50``. f : int, optional For disproportionate nodes, the scale factor applied on their attribute value. Default: ``10``. verbose : bool Verbosity mode. Turn on to print out log information. Default: ``False``. Examples -------- >>> from pygod.models import CONAD >>> model = CONAD() >>> # PyG graph data object >>> prediction = model.predict(data) """ def __init__(self, hid_dim=64, num_layers=4, dropout=0.3, weight_decay=0., act=F.relu, alpha=0.8, eta=.5, contamination=0.1, lr=5e-3, epoch=5, gpu=0, batch_size=0, num_neigh=-1, margin=.5, r=.2, m=50, k=50, f=10, verbose=False): super(CONAD, self).__init__(contamination=contamination) # model param self.hid_dim = hid_dim self.num_layers = num_layers self.dropout = dropout self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.act = act self.alpha = alpha self.eta = eta # training param = lr self.epoch = epoch self.device = validate_device(gpu) self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_neigh = num_neigh self.margin_loss_func = torch.nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin=margin) # other param self.verbose = verbose self.r = r self.m = m self.k = k self.f = f self.model = None
[docs] def fit(self, G, y_true=None): """ Fit detector with input data. Parameters ---------- G : PyTorch Geometric Data instance ( The input data. y_true : numpy.ndarray, optional The optional outlier ground truth labels used to monitor the training progress. They are not used to optimize the unsupervised model. Default: ``None``. Returns ------- self : object Fitted estimator. """ G.node_idx = torch.arange(G.x.shape[0]) G.s = to_dense_adj(G.edge_index)[0] if self.batch_size == 0: self.batch_size = G.x.shape[0] loader = NeighborLoader(G, [self.num_neigh] * self.num_layers, batch_size=self.batch_size) self.model = CONAD_Base(in_dim=G.x.shape[1], hid_dim=self.hid_dim, num_layers=self.num_layers, dropout=self.dropout, act=self.act).to(self.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) self.model.train() decision_scores = np.zeros(G.x.shape[0]) for epoch in range(self.epoch): epoch_loss = 0 for sampled_data in loader: batch_size = sampled_data.batch_size node_idx = sampled_data.node_idx x, s, edge_index = self.process_graph(sampled_data) # generate augmented graph x_aug, edge_index_aug, label_aug = \ self._data_augmentation(x, s) h_aug = self.model.embed(x_aug, edge_index_aug) h = self.model.embed(x, edge_index) margin_loss = self.margin_loss_func(h, h, h_aug) * label_aug margin_loss = torch.mean(margin_loss) x_, s_ = self.model.reconstruct(h, edge_index) score = self.loss_func(x, x_, s, s_) loss = self.eta * torch.mean(score) + \ (1 - self.eta) * margin_loss decision_scores[node_idx[:batch_size]] = score.detach() \ .cpu().numpy() epoch_loss += loss.item() * batch_size optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if self.verbose: print("Epoch {:04d}: Loss {:.4f}" .format(epoch, epoch_loss / G.x.shape[0]), end='') if y_true is not None: auc = eval_roc_auc(y_true, decision_scores) print(" | AUC {:.4f}".format(auc), end='') print() self.decision_scores_ = decision_scores self._process_decision_scores() return self
[docs] def decision_function(self, G): """ Predict raw anomaly score using the fitted detector. Outliers are assigned with larger anomaly scores. Parameters ---------- G : PyTorch Geometric Data instance ( The input data. Returns ------- outlier_scores : numpy.ndarray The anomaly score of shape :math:`N`. """ check_is_fitted(self, ['model']) G.node_idx = torch.arange(G.x.shape[0]) G.s = to_dense_adj(G.edge_index)[0] loader = NeighborLoader(G, [self.num_neigh] * self.num_layers, batch_size=self.batch_size) self.model.eval() outlier_scores = np.zeros(G.x.shape[0]) for sampled_data in loader: batch_size = sampled_data.batch_size node_idx = sampled_data.node_idx x, s, edge_index = self.process_graph(sampled_data) x_, s_ = self.model(x, edge_index) score = self.loss_func(x[:batch_size], x_[:batch_size], s[:batch_size], s_[:batch_size]) outlier_scores[node_idx[:batch_size]] = score.detach() \ .cpu().numpy() return outlier_scores
def _data_augmentation(self, x, adj): """ Data augmentation on the input graph. Four types of pseudo anomalies will be injected: Attribute, deviated Attribute, disproportionate Structure, high-degree Structure, outlying Parameters ----------- x : note attribute matrix adj : dense adjacency matrix Returns ------- feat_aug, adj_aug, label_aug : augmented attribute matrix, adjacency matrix, and pseudo anomaly label to train contrastive graph representations """ rate = self.r num_added_edge = self.m surround = self.k scale_factor = self.f adj_aug, feat_aug = deepcopy(adj), deepcopy(x) num_nodes = adj_aug.shape[0] label_aug = torch.zeros(num_nodes, dtype=torch.int32) for i in range(num_nodes): prob = np.random.uniform() if prob > rate: continue label_aug[i] = 1 one_fourth = np.random.randint(0, 4) if one_fourth == 0: # add clique new_neighbors = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_nodes), num_added_edge, replace=False) adj_aug[i, new_neighbors] = 1 adj_aug[new_neighbors, i] = 1 elif one_fourth == 1: # drop all connection neighbors = torch.nonzero(adj[i]).view(-1) if not neighbors.any(): continue adj_aug[i, neighbors] = 0 adj_aug[neighbors, i] = 0 elif one_fourth == 2: # attrs candidates = np.random.choice(np.arange(num_nodes), surround, replace=False) max_dev, max_idx = 0, i for c in candidates: dev = torch.square(feat_aug[i] - feat_aug[c]).sum() if dev > max_dev: max_dev = dev max_idx = c feat_aug[i] = feat_aug[max_idx] else: # scale attr prob = np.random.uniform(0, 1) if prob > 0.5: feat_aug[i] *= scale_factor else: feat_aug[i] /= scale_factor edge_index_aug = dense_to_sparse(adj_aug)[0].to(self.device) feat_aug = label_aug = return feat_aug, edge_index_aug, label_aug def process_graph(self, G): """ Process the raw PyG data object into a tuple of sub data objects needed for the model. Parameters ---------- G : PyTorch Geometric Data instance ( The input data. Returns ------- x : torch.Tensor Attribute (feature) of nodes. s : torch.Tensor Adjacency matrix of the graph. edge_index : torch.Tensor Edge list of the graph. """ s = edge_index = x = return x, s, edge_index def loss_func(self, x, x_, s, s_): # attribute reconstruction loss diff_attribute = torch.pow(x - x_, 2) attribute_errors = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(diff_attribute, 1)) # structure reconstruction loss diff_structure = torch.pow(s - s_, 2) structure_errors = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(diff_structure, 1)) score = self.alpha * attribute_errors \ + (1 - self.alpha) * structure_errors return score
class CONAD_Base(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim, num_layers, dropout, act): super(CONAD_Base, self).__init__() decoder_layers = int(num_layers / 2) encoder_layers = num_layers - decoder_layers self.shared_encoder = GCN(in_channels=in_dim, hidden_channels=hid_dim, num_layers=encoder_layers, out_channels=hid_dim, dropout=dropout, act=act) self.attr_decoder = GCN(in_channels=hid_dim, hidden_channels=hid_dim, num_layers=decoder_layers, out_channels=in_dim, dropout=dropout, act=act) self.struct_decoder = GCN(in_channels=hid_dim, hidden_channels=hid_dim, num_layers=decoder_layers - 1, out_channels=in_dim, dropout=dropout, act=act) def embed(self, x, edge_index): h = self.shared_encoder(x, edge_index) return h def reconstruct(self, h, edge_index): # decode attribute matrix x_ = self.attr_decoder(h, edge_index) # decode structure matrix h_ = self.struct_decoder(h, edge_index) s_ = h_ @ h_.T return x_, s_ def forward(self, x, edge_index): # encode h = self.embed(x, edge_index) # reconstruct x_, s_ = self.reconstruct(h, edge_index) return x_, s_