Source code for pygod.models.anomalydae

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""AnomalyDAE: Dual autoencoder for anomaly detection on attributed networks"""
# Author: Xueying Ding <>
# License: BSD 2 clause

import torch
import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_geometric.nn import GATConv
from torch_geometric.utils import to_dense_adj
from torch_geometric.loader import NeighborLoader
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from . import BaseDetector
from ..utils.utility import validate_device
from ..utils.metric import eval_roc_auc

[docs]class AnomalyDAE(BaseDetector): """ AnomalyDAE (Dual autoencoder for anomaly detection on attributed networks): AnomalyDAE is an anomaly detector that. consists of a structure autoencoder and an attribute autoencoder to learn both node embedding and attribute embedding jointly in latent space. The structural autoencoer uses Graph Attention layers. The reconstruction mean square error of the decoders are defined as structure anamoly score and attribute anomaly score, respectively, with two additional penalties on the reconstructed adj matrix and node attributes (force entries to be nonzero). See: cite 'fan2020anomalydae' for details. Parameters ---------- embed_dim : int, optional Hidden dimension of model. Defaults: `8``. out_dim : int, optional Dimension of the reduced representation after passing through the structure autoencoder and attribute autoencoder. Defaults: ``4``. dropout : float, optional Dropout rate. Defaults: ``0.2``. weight_decay : float, optional Weight decay (L2 penalty). Defaults: ``1e-5``. act : callable activation function or None, optional Activation function if not None. Defaults: ``torch.nn.functional.relu``. alpha : float, optional loss balance weight for attribute and structure. Defaults: ``0.5``. theta: float, optional greater than 1, impose penalty to the reconstruction error of the non-zero elements in the adjacency matrix Defaults: ``1.01`` eta: float, optional greater than 1, imporse penalty to the reconstruction error of the non-zero elements in the node attributes Defaults: ``1.01`` contamination : float, optional Valid in (0., 0.5). The proportion of outliers in the data set. Used when fitting to define the threshold on the decision function. Defaults: ``0.1``. lr : float, optional Learning rate. Defaults: ``0.004``. epoch : int, optional Maximum number of training epoch. Defaults: ``5``. gpu : int GPU Index, -1 for using CPU. Defaults: ``0``. batch_size : int, optional Minibatch size, 0 for full batch training. Default: ``0``. num_neigh : int, optional Number of neighbors in sampling, -1 for all neighbors. Default: ``-1``. verbose : bool Verbosity mode. Turn on to print out log information. Defaults: ``False``. Examples -------- >>> from pygod.models import AnomalyDAE >>> model = AnomalyDAE() >>> # PyG graph data object >>> prediction = model.predict(data) """ def __init__(self, embed_dim=8, out_dim=4, dropout=0.2, weight_decay=1e-5, act=F.relu, alpha=0.5, theta=1.01, eta=1.01, contamination=0.1, lr=0.004, epoch=5, gpu=0, batch_size=0, num_neigh=-1, verbose=False): super(AnomalyDAE, self).__init__(contamination=contamination) # model param self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.dropout = dropout self.weight_decay = weight_decay self.act = act self.alpha = alpha self.theta = theta self.eta = eta # training param = lr self.epoch = epoch self.device = validate_device(gpu) self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_neigh = num_neigh # other param self.verbose = verbose self.model = None
[docs] def fit(self, G, y_true=None): """ Fit detector with input data. Parameters ---------- G : The input data. y_true : numpy.ndarray, optional The optional outlier ground truth labels used to monitor the training progress. They are not used to optimize the unsupervised model. Default: ``None``. Returns ------- self : object Fitted estimator. """ G.node_idx = torch.arange(G.x.shape[0]) G.s = to_dense_adj(G.edge_index)[0] if self.batch_size == 0: self.batch_size = G.x.shape[0] loader = NeighborLoader(G, [self.num_neigh], batch_size=self.batch_size) self.model = AnomalyDAE_Base(in_node_dim=G.x.shape[1], in_num_dim=self.batch_size, embed_dim=self.embed_dim, out_dim=self.out_dim, dropout=self.dropout, act=self.act).to(self.device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.weight_decay) self.model.train() decision_scores = np.zeros(G.x.shape[0]) for epoch in range(self.epoch): epoch_loss = 0 for sampled_data in loader: batch_size = sampled_data.batch_size node_idx = sampled_data.node_idx x, s, edge_index = self.process_graph(sampled_data) x_, s_ = self.model(x, edge_index, batch_size) score = self.loss_func(x[:batch_size], x_[:batch_size], s[:batch_size, node_idx], s_[:batch_size]) decision_scores[node_idx[:batch_size]] = score.detach() \ .cpu().numpy() loss = torch.mean(score) epoch_loss += loss.item() * batch_size optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() if self.verbose: print("Epoch {:04d}: Loss {:.4f}" .format(epoch, epoch_loss / G.x.shape[0]), end='') if y_true is not None: auc = eval_roc_auc(y_true, decision_scores) print(" | AUC {:.4f}".format(auc), end='') print() self.decision_scores_ = decision_scores self._process_decision_scores() return self
[docs] def decision_function(self, G): """ Predict raw anomaly score of X using the fitted detector. The anomaly score of an input sample is computed based on different detector algorithms. For consistency, outliers are assigned with larger anomaly scores. Parameters ---------- G : PyTorch Geometric Data instance ( The input data. Returns ------- anomaly_scores : numpy.ndarray The anomaly score of shape :math:`N`. """ check_is_fitted(self, ['model']) G.node_idx = torch.arange(G.x.shape[0]) G.s = to_dense_adj(G.edge_index)[0] loader = NeighborLoader(G, [self.num_neigh], batch_size=self.batch_size) self.model.eval() outlier_scores = np.zeros(G.x.shape[0]) for sampled_data in loader: batch_size = sampled_data.batch_size node_idx = sampled_data.node_idx x, s, edge_index = self.process_graph(sampled_data) x_, s_ = self.model(x, edge_index, batch_size) score = self.loss_func(x[:batch_size], x_[:batch_size], s[:batch_size, node_idx], s_[:batch_size]) outlier_scores[node_idx[:batch_size]] = score.detach() \ .cpu().numpy() return outlier_scores
def process_graph(self, G): """ Process the raw PyG data object into a tuple of sub data objects needed for the model. Parameters ---------- G : PyTorch Geometric Data instance ( The input data. Returns ------- x : torch.Tensor Attribute (feature) of nodes. s : torch.Tensor Adjacency matrix of the graph. edge_index : torch.Tensor Edge list of the graph. """ s = edge_index = x = return x, s, edge_index def loss_func(self, x, x_, s, s_): # generate hyperparameter - structure penalty reversed_adj = 1 - s thetas = torch.where(reversed_adj > 0, reversed_adj, torch.full(s.shape, self.theta).to(self.device)) # generate hyperparameter - node penalty reversed_attr = 1 - x etas = torch.where(reversed_attr == 1, reversed_attr, torch.full(x.shape, self.eta).to(self.device)) # attribute reconstruction loss diff_attribute = torch.pow(x_ - x, 2) * etas attribute_errors = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(diff_attribute, 1)) # structure reconstruction loss diff_structure = torch.pow(s_ - s, 2) * thetas structure_errors = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(diff_structure, 1)) score = self.alpha * attribute_errors \ + (1 - self.alpha) * structure_errors return score
class AnomalyDAE_Base(nn.Module): """ AnomalyDAE_Base is an anomaly detector consisting of a structure autoencoder and an attribute reconstruction autoencoder. Parameters ---------- in_node_dim : int Dimension of input feature in_num_dim: int Dimension of the input number of nodes embed_dim:: int Dimension of the embedding after the first reduced linear layer (D1) out_dim : int Dimension of final representation dropout : float, optional Dropout rate of the model Default: 0 act: F, optional Choice of activation function """ def __init__(self, in_node_dim, in_num_dim, embed_dim, out_dim, dropout, act): super(AnomalyDAE_Base, self).__init__() self.num_center_nodes = in_num_dim self.structure_ae = StructureAE(in_node_dim, embed_dim, out_dim, dropout, act) self.attribute_ae = AttributeAE(self.num_center_nodes, embed_dim, out_dim, dropout, act) def forward(self, x, edge_index, batch_size): s_, h = self.structure_ae(x, edge_index) if batch_size < self.num_center_nodes: x = F.pad(x, (0, 0, 0, self.num_center_nodes - batch_size)) x_ = self.attribute_ae(x[:self.num_center_nodes], h) return x_, s_ class StructureAE(nn.Module): """ Structure Autoencoder in AnomalyDAE model: the encoder transforms the node attribute X into the latent representation with the linear layer, and a graph attention layer produces an embedding with weight importance of node neighbors. Finally, the decoder reconstructs the final embedding to the original. Parameters ---------- in_dim: int input dimension of node data embed_dim: int the latent representation dimension of node (after the first linear layer) out_dim: int the output dim after the graph attention layer dropout: float dropout probability for the linear layer act: F, optional Choice of activation function Returns ------- x : torch.Tensor Reconstructed attribute (feature) of nodes. embed_x : torch.Tensor Embed nodes after the attention layer """ def __init__(self, in_dim, embed_dim, out_dim, dropout, act): super(StructureAE, self).__init__() self.dense = nn.Linear(in_dim, embed_dim) self.attention_layer = GATConv(embed_dim, out_dim) self.dropout = dropout self.act = act def forward(self, x, edge_index): # encoder x = self.act(self.dense(x)) x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout) h = self.attention_layer(x, edge_index) # decoder s_ = torch.sigmoid(h @ h.T) return s_, h class AttributeAE(nn.Module): """ Attribute Autoencoder in AnomalyDAE model: the encoder employs two non-linear feature transform to the node attribute x. The decoder takes both the node embeddings from the structure autoencoder and the reduced attribute representation to reconstruct the original node attribute. Parameters ---------- in_dim: int dimension of the input number of nodes embed_dim: int the latent representation dimension of node (after the first linear layer) out_dim: int the output dim after two linear layers dropout: float dropout probability for the linear layer act: F, optional Choice of activation function Returns ------- x : torch.Tensor Reconstructed attribute (feature) of nodes. """ def __init__(self, in_dim, embed_dim, out_dim, dropout, act): super(AttributeAE, self).__init__() self.dense1 = nn.Linear(in_dim, embed_dim) self.dense2 = nn.Linear(embed_dim, out_dim) self.dropout = dropout self.act = act def forward(self, x, h): # encoder x = self.act(self.dense1(x.T)) x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout) x = self.dense2(x) x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout) # decoder x = h @ x.T return x