Source code for pygod.nn.gadnr

import math
import random

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.multiprocessing as mp
from torch_geometric.nn import GCN, SAGEConv, PNAConv
from torch_geometric.utils import to_undirected, add_self_loops

from .nn import MLP_generator, FNN_GAD_NR
from .functional import KL_neighbor_loss, W2_neighbor_loss

[docs] class GADNRBase(nn.Module): """ Graph Anomaly Detection via Neighborhood Reconstruction GAD-NR is a new type of GAE based on neighborhood reconstruction for graph anomaly detection. GAD-NR aims to reconstruct the entire neighborhood (including local structure, self attributes, and neighbors attributes) around a node based on the corresponding node representation. See :cite:`roy2024gadnr` for details. Parameters ---------- in_dim : int Input dimension of model. hid_dim : int Hidden dimension of model. Default: ``64``. encoder_layers : int, optional The number of layers for the graph encoder. Default: ``1``. deg_dec_layers : int, optional The number of layers for the node degree decoder. Default: ``4``. fea_dec_layers : int, optional The number of layers for the node feature decoder. Default: ``3``. sample_size : int, optional The number of samples for the neighborhood distribution. Default: ``2``. sample_time : int, optional The number sample times to remove the noise during node feature and neighborhood distribution reconstruction. Default: ``3``. neighbor_num_list : torch.Tensor The node degree tensor used by the PNAConv model. neigh_loss : str, optional The neighbor reconstruction loss. ``KL`` represents the KL divergence loss, ``W2`` represents the W2 loss. Default: ``KL``. lambda_loss1 : float, optional The weight of the neighborhood reconstruction loss term. Default: ``1e-2``. lambda_loss2 : float, optional The weight of the node feature reconstruction loss term. Default: ``1e-3``. lambda_loss3 : float, optional The weight of the node degree reconstruction loss term. Default: ``1e-4``. full_batch : bool, optional Whether in the full batch or the mini-batch training/inference mode. Default: ``True``. dropout : float, optional Dropout rate. Default: ``0.``. act : callable activation function or None, optional Activation function if not None. Default: ``torch.nn.functional.relu``. backbone : torch.nn.Module, optional The backbone of the deep detector implemented in PyG. Default: ``torch_geometric.nn.GCN``. device : string, optional The device used by the model. Default: ``cpu``. **kwargs : optional Additional arguments for the backbone. """ def __init__(self, in_dim, hid_dim=64, encoder_layers=1, deg_dec_layers=4, fea_dec_layers=3, sample_size=2, sample_time=3, neighbor_num_list=None, neigh_loss='KL', lambda_loss1=1e-2, lambda_loss2=1e-3, lambda_loss3=1e-4, full_batch=True, dropout=0., act=torch.nn.functional.relu, backbone=GCN, device='cpu', **kwargs): super(GADNRBase, self).__init__() self.linear = nn.Linear(in_dim, hid_dim) self.out_dim = hid_dim self.sample_time = sample_time self.lambda_loss1 = lambda_loss1 self.lambda_loss2 = lambda_loss2 self.lambda_loss3 = lambda_loss3 self.full_batch = full_batch self.neigh_loss = neigh_loss self.device = device if self.full_batch: # full batch mode self.neighbor_num_list = neighbor_num_list self.tot_node = len(neighbor_num_list) # the normal distrubution used during # neighborhood distribution recontruction self.m_fullbatch = torch.distributions.Normal( torch.zeros(sample_size, self.tot_node, hid_dim), torch.ones(sample_size, self.tot_node, hid_dim)) self.mean_agg = SAGEConv(hid_dim, hid_dim, aggr='mean', normalize = False) self.std_agg = PNAConv(hid_dim, hid_dim, aggregators=["std"], scalers=["identity"], deg=neighbor_num_list) else: # mini batch mode self.m_minibatch = torch.distributions.Normal( torch.zeros(sample_size, hid_dim), torch.ones(sample_size, hid_dim)) self.mlp_mean = nn.Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim) self.mlp_sigma = nn.Linear(hid_dim, hid_dim) self.mlp_gen = MLP_generator(hid_dim, hid_dim) # Encoder self.shared_encoder = backbone(in_channels=hid_dim, hidden_channels=hid_dim, num_layers=encoder_layers, out_channels=hid_dim, dropout=dropout, act=act, **kwargs) # Decoder self.degree_decoder = FNN_GAD_NR(hid_dim, hid_dim, 1, deg_dec_layers) # feature decoder does not reconstruct the raw feature # but the embeddings obtained by the ``self.linear``` layer self.feature_decoder = FNN_GAD_NR(hid_dim, hid_dim, hid_dim, fea_dec_layers) self.degree_loss_func = nn.MSELoss() self.feature_loss_func = nn.MSELoss() if self.neigh_loss == "KL": self.neighbor_loss = KL_neighbor_loss elif self.neigh_loss == 'W2': self.neighbor_loss = W2_neighbor_loss else: raise ValueError(self.neigh_loss, 'should be either KL or W2') self.pool = mp.Pool(4) self.in_dim = in_dim self.sample_size = sample_size self.emb = None def sample_neighbors(self, input_id, neighbor_dict, id_mapping, gt_embeddings): """ Sample neighbors from neighbor set, if the length of neighbor set less than the sample size, then do the padding. """ sampled_embeddings_list = [] mask_len_list = [] for index in input_id: sampled_embeddings = [] neighbor_indexes = neighbor_dict[index] if len(neighbor_indexes) < self.sample_size: mask_len = len(neighbor_indexes) sample_indexes = neighbor_indexes else: sample_indexes = random.sample(neighbor_indexes, self.sample_size) mask_len = self.sample_size for index in sample_indexes: sampled_embeddings.append(gt_embeddings[ id_mapping[index]].tolist()) if len(sampled_embeddings) < self.sample_size: for _ in range(self.sample_size - len(sampled_embeddings)): sampled_embeddings.append(torch.zeros(self.out_dim ).tolist()) sampled_embeddings_list.append(sampled_embeddings) mask_len_list.append(mask_len) return sampled_embeddings_list, mask_len_list def full_batch_neigh_recon(self, h1, h0, edge_index): """Computing the target neighbor distribution and reconstructed neighbor distribution using full batch of the data. """ mean_neigh = self.mean_agg(h0, edge_index).detach() std_neigh = self.std_agg(h0, edge_index).detach() cov_neigh = torch.bmm(std_neigh.unsqueeze(dim=-1), std_neigh.unsqueeze(dim=1)) target_mean = mean_neigh target_cov = cov_neigh self_embedding = h1 self_embedding = self_embedding.unsqueeze(0) self_embedding = self_embedding.repeat(self.sample_size, 1, 1) generated_mean = self.mlp_mean(self_embedding) generated_sigma = self.mlp_sigma(self_embedding) std_z = self.m_fullbatch.sample().to(self.device) var = generated_mean + generated_sigma.exp() * std_z nhij = self.mlp_gen(var) generated_mean = torch.mean(nhij, dim=0) generated_std = torch.std(nhij, dim=0) generated_cov = torch.bmm(generated_std.unsqueeze(dim=-1), generated_std.unsqueeze(dim=1))/ \ self.sample_size tot_nodes = h1.shape[0] h_dim = h1.shape[1] single_eye = torch.eye(h_dim).to(self.device) single_eye = single_eye.unsqueeze(dim=0) batch_eye = single_eye.repeat(tot_nodes,1,1) target_cov = target_cov + batch_eye generated_cov = generated_cov + batch_eye det_target_cov = torch.linalg.det(target_cov) det_generated_cov = torch.linalg.det(generated_cov) trace_mat = torch.matmul(torch.inverse(generated_cov), target_cov) x = torch.bmm(torch.unsqueeze(generated_mean - target_mean,dim=1), torch.inverse(generated_cov)) y = torch.unsqueeze(generated_mean - target_mean,dim=-1) z = torch.bmm(x,y).squeeze() # the information needed for loss computation recon_info = [det_target_cov, det_generated_cov, h_dim, trace_mat, z] return recon_info def mini_batch_neigh_recon(self, h1, h0, input_id, neighbor_dict, id_mapping): """Computing the target neighbor distribution and reconstructed neighbor distribution using mini_batch of the data and neighbor sampling. """ gen_neighs, tar_neighs = [], [] sampled_embeddings_list, mask_len_list = \ self.sample_neighbors(input_id, neighbor_dict, id_mapping, h0) for index, neighbor_embeddings in enumerate(sampled_embeddings_list): # Generating h^k_v, reparameterization trick # the center node embeddings start from first row # in the h1 embedding matrix mean = h1[index].repeat(self.sample_size, 1) mean = self.mlp_mean(mean) sigma = h1[index].repeat(self.sample_size, 1) sigma = self.mlp_sigma(sigma) std_z = self.m_minibatch.sample().to(self.device) var = mean + sigma.exp() * std_z nhij = self.mlp_gen(var) generated_neighbors = nhij sum_neighbor_norm = 0 for _, generated_neighbor in enumerate(generated_neighbors): sum_neighbor_norm += \ torch.norm(generated_neighbor) / math.sqrt(self.out_dim) generated_neighbors = \ torch.unsqueeze(generated_neighbors, dim=0).to(self.device) target_neighbors = \ torch.unsqueeze(torch.FloatTensor(neighbor_embeddings), dim=0).to(self.device) gen_neighs.append(generated_neighbors) tar_neighs.append(target_neighbors) # the information needed for loss computation recon_info = [gen_neighs, tar_neighs, mask_len_list] return recon_info
[docs] def forward(self, x, edge_index, input_id=None, neighbor_dict=None, id_mapping=None): """ Forward computation. Parameters ---------- x : torch.Tensor Input attribute embeddings. edge_index : torch.Tensor Edge index. input_id : List List of center node ids in the current batch. If ``input_id`` is not ``None``, the input data is a sampled mini_batch. If ``input_id`` is ``None``, the input data is a full batch. Default: ``None``. neighbor_dict : Dict Dictionary where nodes in the current batch as keys and their neighbor list as corresponding values. If ``neighbor_dict`` is not ``None``, the input data is a sampled mini_batch. If ``neighbor_dict`` is ``None``, the input data is a full batch. Default: ``None``. id_mapping : Dict Dictionary where nodes in the current batch as keys and their feature matrix id as the values. If ``id_mapping`` is not ``None``, the input data is a sampled mini_batch. If ``id_mapping`` is ``None``, the input data is a full batch. Default: ``None``. Returns ---------- h0 : torch.Tensor Node feature initial embeddings. degree_logits : torch.Tensor Reconstructed node degree logits. feat_recon_list : List[torch.Tensor] Reconstructed node features. neigh_recon_list : List[torch.Tensor] Reconstructed neighbor distributions. """ # feature projection h0 = self.linear(x) # encode feature matrix h1 = self.shared_encoder(h0, edge_index) if self.full_batch: center_h0 = h0 center_h1 = h1 else: # mini-batch mode center_h0 = h0[[id_mapping[i] for i in input_id], :] center_h1 = h1[[id_mapping[i] for i in input_id], :] # save embeddings self.emb = center_h1 # decode node degree degree_logits = F.relu(self.degree_decoder(center_h1)) # decode the node feature and neighbor distribution feat_recon_list = [] neigh_recon_list = [] # sample multiple times to remove noises for _ in range(self.sample_time): h0_prime = self.feature_decoder(center_h1) feat_recon_list.append(h0_prime) if self.full_batch: # full batch mode neigh_recon_info = self.full_batch_neigh_recon(h1, h0, edge_index) else: # mini batch mode neigh_recon_info = self.mini_batch_neigh_recon(h1, h0, input_id, neighbor_dict, id_mapping) neigh_recon_list.append(neigh_recon_info) return center_h0, degree_logits, feat_recon_list, neigh_recon_list
[docs] def loss_func(self, h0, degree_logits, feat_recon_list, neigh_recon_list, ground_truth_degree_matrix): """ The loss function proposed in the GAD-NR paper. Parameters ---------- h0 : torch.Tensor Node feature initial embeddings. degree_logits : torch.Tensor Reconstructed node degree logits. feat_recon_list : List[torch.Tensor] Reconstructed node features. neigh_recon_list : List[torch.Tensor] Reconstructed neighbor distributions. ground_truth_degree_matrix : torch.Tensor The ground truth degree of the input nodes. Returns ---------- loss : torch.Tensor The total loss value used to backpropagate and update the model parameters. loss_per_node : torch.Tensor The original loss value per node used to compute the decision score (outlier score) of the node. h_loss_per_node : torch.Tensor The neigborhood reconstruction loss value per node used to compute the adaptive decision score (outlier score) of the node. degree_loss_per_node : torch.Tensor The node degree reconstruction loss value per node used to compute the adaptive decision score (outlier score) of the node. feature_loss_per_node : torch.Tensor The node feature reconstruction loss value per node used to compute the adaptive decision score (outlier score) of the node. """ batch_size = h0.shape[0] # degree reconstruction loss ground_truth_degree_matrix = \ torch.unsqueeze(ground_truth_degree_matrix, dim=1) degree_loss = self.degree_loss_func(degree_logits, ground_truth_degree_matrix.float()) degree_loss_per_node = \ (degree_logits-ground_truth_degree_matrix).pow(2) h_loss = 0 feature_loss = 0 loss_list = [] loss_list_per_node = [] feature_loss_list = [] # Sample multiple times to remove noise for t in range(self.sample_time): # feature reconstruction loss h0_prime = feat_recon_list[t] feature_losses_per_node = (h0-h0_prime).pow(2).mean(1) feature_loss_list.append(feature_losses_per_node) # neigbor distribution reconstruction loss if self.full_batch: # full batch neighbor reconstruction det_target_cov, det_generated_cov, h_dim, trace_mat, z = \ neigh_recon_list[t] KL_loss = 0.5 * (torch.log(det_target_cov / det_generated_cov) - \ h_dim + trace_mat.diagonal(offset=0, dim1=-1, dim2=-2).sum(-1) + z) local_index_loss = torch.mean(KL_loss) local_index_loss_per_node = KL_loss else: # mini batch neighbor reconstruction local_index_loss = 0 local_index_loss_per_node = [] gen_neighs, tar_neighs, mask_lens = neigh_recon_list[t] for generated_neighbors, target_neighbors, mask_len in \ zip(gen_neighs, tar_neighs, mask_lens): temp_loss = self.neighbor_loss(generated_neighbors, target_neighbors, mask_len, self.device) local_index_loss += temp_loss local_index_loss_per_node.append(temp_loss) local_index_loss_per_node = \ torch.stack(local_index_loss_per_node) loss_list.append(local_index_loss) loss_list_per_node.append(local_index_loss_per_node) loss_list = torch.stack(loss_list) h_loss += torch.mean(loss_list) loss_list_per_node = torch.stack(loss_list_per_node) h_loss_per_node = torch.mean(loss_list_per_node, dim=0) feature_loss_per_node = torch.mean(torch.stack(feature_loss_list), dim=0) feature_loss += torch.mean(torch.stack(feature_loss_list)) h_loss_per_node = h_loss_per_node.reshape(batch_size, 1) degree_loss_per_node = degree_loss_per_node.reshape(batch_size, 1) feature_loss_per_node = feature_loss_per_node.reshape(batch_size, 1) loss = self.lambda_loss1 * h_loss \ + degree_loss * self.lambda_loss3 \ + self.lambda_loss2 * feature_loss loss_per_node = self.lambda_loss1 * h_loss_per_node \ + degree_loss_per_node * self.lambda_loss3 \ + self.lambda_loss2 * feature_loss_per_node return loss, loss_per_node, h_loss_per_node, \ degree_loss_per_node, feature_loss_per_node
[docs] @staticmethod def process_graph(data, input_id=None): """ Preprocess the input graph and obtain the required data for future use. Parameters ---------- data : Input graph. input_id : List List of center node ids in the current batch. If ``input_id`` is not ``None``, the input data is a sampled mini_batch. If ``input_id`` is ``None``, the input data is a full batch. Default: ``None``. Returns ---------- data : Preprocessed input graph. neighbor_dict : Dict Dictionary where nodes in the input_id list as keys and their neighbor list as corresponding values. neighbor_num_list : torch.Tensor A n*1 tensor where its value represents the corresponding node degree for the nodes in input_id list. id_mapping : Dict Dictionary where nodes in the input_id list as keys and their feature matrix id as the values. """ # row normalize data.x = F.normalize(data.x, p=1, dim=1) # convert to undirected graph data.edge_index = to_undirected(data.edge_index) # add self loops new_edge_index, _= add_self_loops(data.edge_index) data.edge_index = new_edge_index out_nodes = data.edge_index[0,:] in_nodes = data.edge_index[1,:] id_mapping = {} if input_id is None: # full batch of the data input_id = torch.unique(data.edge_index).tolist() else: # reindexing the node id for mini-batch for edge_id, node_id in enumerate(data.n_id.tolist()): id_mapping[node_id] = edge_id in_nodes = [data.n_id[i] for i in in_nodes] out_nodes = [data.n_id[i] for i in out_nodes] neighbor_dict = {} for in_node, out_node in zip(in_nodes, out_nodes): if in_node.item() in input_id: if in_node.item() not in neighbor_dict: neighbor_dict[in_node.item()] = [] neighbor_dict[in_node.item()].append(out_node.item()) neighbor_num_list = [] for i in input_id: if i in neighbor_dict: neighbor_num_list.append(len(neighbor_dict[i])) neighbor_num_list = torch.tensor(neighbor_num_list) return data, neighbor_dict, neighbor_num_list, id_mapping